My life, as it is in Denver
A man recently told me that maybe Paris isn’t good enough for me and maybe I should think about what I have had already in my life…maybe I should write about that…I have had a brilliant life, enough stories to to entertain for a while. I have lived fully and I have much to tell.
Maybe, I will take his advice and revisit the life I have had here in Denver..and…I will tell secrets I have never told.
Comment c’est que je peux tomber dans l’amour dans quelques jours ? Où est ma tête? C’est irrationnel, délicieux, et dangereux pour mon coeur. Mais ici je suis, désarmé et impuissant. Je suis sous le contrôle de quelque chose plus grand que ma propre volonté. Je suis changé et je ne serai jamais le même. Et J’ai félicité…
¿Cómo es que puedo enamorarme en unos pocos días? ¿ Dónde está la cabeza? Es irracional, delicioso, y peligroso para el corazón. Pero aquí soy, indefenso e impotente. Estoy bajo el control de algo más que mi propio hago. Soy cambiado y yo nunca seré lo mismo. Y soy feliz….
How is it that I can fall in love in a few days? Where is my head? It is irrational, delicious, and dangerous for my heart. But here I am, defenseless and helpless. I am under the control of something greater than my own will. I am changed and I will never be the same. And I am blissful….